
SourceTree 1.3 public beta

By on November 21, 2011

I’m really happy to announce that an initial beta of the next major update to SourceTree, version 1.3, is now available for public consumption! Probably the headline feature is support for submodules and subrepositories, but there are a number of other features that you’ll probably grow to like a lot too, including detecting & linking mentions of external issues like JIRA numbers, and being able to add your own custom actions. The full feature list is in the beta Release Notes.

Now, before you go racing to the download link below, please be aware:

  1. This release is not officially supported – use it at your own risk!
  2. Please raise any bugs at only, and make sure you specify you’re using the beta version. Please do not raise any beta issues at
  3. I will be on vacation from 26th November to 12th December, during which time I won’t be dealing with beta issues. I’ll catch up on my return – please return to the official release if you have a blocking issue.
  4. The beta version will auto-update with new betas as they are released, but official releases in the 1.2 stream will only see the update once it’s official.

Beta 1 contains the major new features, but I do intend to add a few smaller ones in subsequent betas, so don’t assume that if it’s not in beta 1, it won’t be in 1.3 – provided it’s not too risky, it might well make it. The feature freeze for 1.3 will happen around the end of the year.

So if you’re happy with the above conditions, go ahead and download the beta now using the link below. I hope you like it!

SourceTree 1.3 Beta 1